t all started over seventy-five million years ago. A now almost extinct species of primate, called Homo sapiens arrived on Earth. Born from the primitive chimpanzee stock, these creatures managed to create art, culture, literature, science, buildings, and an advanced technology which used refined metals and harnessed the power of electrical energy. What's more - they were the first species on the planet to accomplish these things. Unfortunately, like all other evolutionary early-comers, these creatures were less than the best we could hope for to fill such a niche. The genus Homo proliferated for over two million years, Homo sapiens for around one hundred and fifty thousand years. During the latter duration, humans managed to fill every continent, and destroy much of the world's forests. They were no longer inhabitants of the earth, they were an infestation. By 1900 A.D., their communities became homes for billions of species of small rodents, insects, fungi, viruses, and bacteria to flourish. While this may seem like a good opportunity for such species, the human race was quick to try and irradicate their ecological neighbors and ended up destroying hundreds of species. Despite their efforts, the species which 'piggy-backed' on the human infestation managed to survive. Humans eventually learned that all species were important and that mankind had no right to interfere with or attempt to control nature. But by that time it was too late; a captialist dictatorship had control over mankind, and rival nation states destroyed one another in nuclear war. Though a few extremely primitive, isolated human populations in Indonesia managed to hang on, a few abondoned cities, scraps of technology, decaying bones and ancient fossils - were all that remained of the most intelligent and resourceful evolutionary dynasty the world had ever seen. They became victims of their own ambition simply because the only thing superior to man's intellect was man's ego.
he world was to wait for a new species to come along and fill the void left by man, in much the same way that the extinction of the upright ape Oreopithecus bambollii cleared the path for man's chimpanzee-like ancestors to begin using tools and walking upright. The Earth was waiting for the greatest biological revolution since dinosaurs first appeared; two hundred and nintety million years ago. After a mere four million years, chimpanzees and bonobos arose to the challenge, then other primates such as monkeys and lemurs followed. All over the world, mammalian species evolved into the niche left by mankind.
ithin a period of about seventy million years, more than two hundred species had established their own advanced cultures and technologies. No one could have guessed that more than one species would have evolved to fill man's shoes, let alone hundreds. In some isolated areas of the world, even some birds such as crows and blue jays began to 'anthropomorphize', and take on a basic human shape. These new species, which for all intents and purposes replaced humans, called themselves anthroposapienoans*, though they usually just call themselves "Anthro's" for short. Mankind was a severely endangered species, and was thought to be extinct for over sixty-five million years. Humans were simply another display in the natural history museums. However, the few that did survive managed to live harmoniously with the Anthro's. * 'Anthroposapiens' means "human intelligent" ("Anthro" meaning human, "sapiens" meaning intelligent), while 'anthroposapienoans' refers to a group of species (or a number of groups of species) which are "human intelligent", or better stated as "at least as intelligent as humans".
his brings us to the present day, the 75,022,400's A.D., by the ancient human calender - by the Anthro calender, the 2,000's C.E.. A diverse group of students and the University of Metazoa are struggling with trying to make a life for themselves, getting an education, dealing with teachers, and surviving...eachother. Not only are these students beginning to find what adult life is all about, but they are exploring formerly hidden aspects of theirs and their friends' psychies. |